Hey there! I'm Jen Lee.
I'm a queer developer and designer born in Seoul, South Korea & currently based out of Portland, OR. Coming from a creative background, I really enjoy building well-functioning full-stack applications with beautiful, clean UI.

During my free time, I enjoy working on little side projects, such as this website, which I'm utilizing as a virtual playground for myself. Additionally, I love doing yoga, going on walks, hanging out at the beach or parks, attending live shows, and spending time petting stray cats or strangers' dogs. My interests in creative hobbies range from painting to knitting to woodworking and beyond—the list is endless!

This site is serving as a creative outlet for me to experiment while being able to showcase my work. (also currently a work in progress) I am constantly evolving as a developer, so I'm sure this project will continue to evolve alongside my growth. The website was built using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, with Next.js & hosted on Vercel.

I hope you enjoy exploring my work as much as I enjoyed creating this website! If you'd like to learn a bit more about my professional experience, you can view my resume here.

Connect with me @ LinkedIn or GitHub

Thanks for visiting!